As the holiday season approaches, you may be tossing around the idea of putting the brakes on your business’s marketing. With the craziness of Christmas and manic New Year celebrations, many business owners assume that consumers aren’t paying attention – or, understandably, they want to take a break from DIY-ing everything themselves.

For a consumer, the reality is very different.

The holiday period is a critical time when people ARE making plans, setting goals and deciding where to invest their time and money in the upcoming year. Letting your marketing efforts slide during this time will lead to missed opportunities to connect with your audience and get in front of your prospects to boost future revenue. Our branding company in Sydney dissects some key strategies for effective holiday marketing.

Why Marketing Over the Holidays Is Non-Negotiable

  1. Consumers Are in Decision-Making Mode

During the holiday season, people evaluate their habits, their finances, their lifestyle and generally think about changes they’ll make in the new year. Whether it’s joining a gym, starting a hobby, dining out more or hiring professional services they no longer want to do. This is when all consumers begin researching their needs and ultimately making decisions about their wants. Your marketing efforts must align with this mindset, positioning your brand as their go-to solution when January rolls around. This is called ‘pre-emptively marketing’ your brand.

  1. Holiday Sales Create a Halo Effect

Holiday spending is no longer about gift-giving. Consumers are also treating themselves, preparing for the new year and taking advantage of deals (cue Black Friday sales, Boxing Day and New Year bargains). By keeping your brand constantly visible, you capitalise on both impulse purchases and the holiday shopping momentum, which can carry over into the quieter months. And, more importantly, your brand will stay top of consumers’ minds.

  1. Your Competitors Might Be Sleeping

Many businesses scale back their efforts during the holidays (to save money), assuming people aren’t paying attention. WRONG!!! This attitude gives proactive brands – like yours – an edge. Choosing to stay active gives your brand the chance to fill the void, capture attention and stand out while others go quiet. So when consumers are ready to buy, they’ll recall your brand first!

Tips for Effective Holiday Marketing

  1. Don’t Neglect Automation

While the holidays can be hectic, automation tools can keep your campaigns running smoothly. Use pre-scheduled emails and social media posts, pre-emptive ads to maintain your marketing presence without any additional stress.

  1. Get Some Professional Help

Marketing your brand over December and January should not get in the way of spending time with your own family and friends over the holiday season. After all, you do deserve a break and that’s precisely where Brand For Brands can step in and help.

Our branding company team in Sydney can help you keep the wheels turning on some excellent campaigns over these next few months, specifically geared towards the aspirations and needs of customers over this time. Get in touch with us today.