The information and advice provided on this website is general advice only, and has been prepared/provided without taking into account your individual objectives or needs. Before acting on this information and advice, you should consider the appropriateness, having regard to your own objectives and needs.
While Brand for Brands will attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained on the Brand for Brands website, Brand for Brands makes no guarantee, warranty or promise, express or implied, concerning the content or accuracy of documents appearing on this website. Details of services available on this website do not imply an obligation on the part of the Company or its affiliated bodies to offer them in a given timeframe, or in the manner described herein. Brand for Brands reserves the right to alter information on this website at any time without notice. Brand for Brands will endeavour to correct any inaccuracies reported in any information stored on the website in a timely manner. Brand for Brands accepts no liability for any loss or damage a person suffers because that person has directly or indirectly relied on any information stored on this website.
External Links
The links on this website may lead to services or websites not operated by Brand for Brands. No judgment or warranty is made with respect to such other services or websites and Brand for Brands takes no responsibility for such other websites or services. A link to another website or service is not an endorsement of that website or service. Any use you make of the information provided on this site, or any website or service linked to by this website, is at your own risk.
While Brand for Brands will attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained on the Brand for Brands website, Brand for Brands makes no guarantee, warranty or promise, express or implied, concerning the content or accuracy of documents appearing on or linked to this website. Brand for Brands accepts no liability for any loss or damage a person suffers because that person has directly or indirectly relied on any information stored on this website.