We took an existing brand and evolved the logo to suit a changing demographics and a competitive industry.
Elevate Performing Arts
Elevate Performing Arts is a dance studio that offers multiple dance disciplines who believes that the valuable skills taught through dance can help you achieve success in any area of life.
As such they wanted a logo evolution, which would evolve their current logo to add more credibility and be considered as a ‘first choice’ performing arts centre rather than an alternative.
The Brand for Brands Agency team invested a lot of time in understanding the centres core philosophies and evaluating feedback from both parents and students, to better understand where Elevate were currently positioned.
The Outcome
We completed various minor tweaks that combined to form a more cohesive and integrated logo , still maintaining the spectrum of colour and expansion that one would expect from a performing arts centre. The completed logo evolution resulted in an sophisticated brand that was streamlined and depicted elevation visually (within the logo).